What is In Your Child's School Lunch?
Toxins that have been found in school lunches PLUS: Top 10 hazards of glyphosate. Use this to inform parents and your school boards!
Toxins that have been found in school lunches PLUS: Top 10 hazards of glyphosate. Use this to inform parents and your school boards!
Antibody Dependent Enhancement
Details on Antibody Dependent Enhancement - and why it matters.
Why antibodies are insufficient evidence for immunity from vaccines.
No Benefit, All Risk?
Key Facts on COVID Shots for Children < 5
Find out and inform how little science went into FDA's consideration of the bivalent booster prior to EUA.
Side A provides detail on the number of shots on the CDC pediatric schedule.
Side B provides additional important details on the studies that did not use placebos, CDC's lack of authority to require vaccination, and whether vaccinated or unvaccinated children are healthier.
Side A reviews solid information about HPV Vaccines and Side B reviews no-hype information on HPV-associated cancer risk.
Side A: "The Dirt on Aluminum"
- Overview of issues surrounding aluminum, its toxicity, ingested vs injected, health effects, and more
Side B: "How much aluminum is in the shots"
- Review of US CDC's pediatric schedule package inserts detailing adjuvant used and amount of elemental Al in mcg per dose.
Side A "Mercury: Toxic in Any Form" lays out the facts on thimerosal-sourced and methylmercury. Side B takes on the "Mercurial Science" and provides reliable information on why while both are toxic, Thimerosal-based organic mercury is far more dangerous than that from methyl mercury - among many other facts! $1.99
Side A: Evidence for Masks - Weak.
Side B: The Hazards of Masks.
Fully cited, based on evidence, not hype.
Side A: Can Masks Stop Viruses?
Side B: Masking Science
Fully cited, based on evidence, not hype.
Have an information sheet in mind to suggest? Email us!